Overview | 課程概覽
OTA Introduction | 認識OTA:專業認證首選

Oxford Teachers' Academy offers dynamic and high-quality online professional development courses for practicing teachers, leaders, and managers. Work through a series of compact, engaging, media-rich modules led by an expert tutor. On completion receive a certificate issued by Oxford University Department for Continuing Education and Oxford University Press.


Watch the video to find out more!

“The Oxford Teachers' Academy has clearly changed people's lives. I have yet to come across anyone who didn't get an awful lot out of an Oxford Teachers' Academy course.”

Johana Andrea Melo, Academic Director
Centro Colombo Americano, Colombia

Six Key Components of OTA | OTA的六大關鍵要素

The OTA courses have been specially designed for teachers whose students do not speak English as their first language. Under the guidance of leading international teacher trainers, the programme aims to offer a unique, high quality professional development programme.


Each course has been designed around six key components:


  • Discovery |發現
  • Exploration and Experimentation | 探索與實驗
  • Sharing | 分享
  • Theoretical Knowledge | 理論知識
  • Practical Implementation | 實踐應用
  • Reflection | 反思
  • On successful completion of the course, you will earn a certificate which has been jointly awarded by Oxford University Press and the Oxford University Department of Continuing Education. Welcome!

    成功完成課程後,您將獲得由牛津大學出版社和牛津大學進修推廣學院聯合頒發的證書。 歡迎加入OTA!

    Expert Tutors | 來自全球35位牛津大學出版社專家講師群

    There are more than 35 Oxford Teachers’ Academy trainers in 2024.Each course is led by an expert tutor from Oxford University Press experienced in delivering online professional development courses to participants around the world. Tutors guide you through a series of compact, engaging, media-rich modules, to help you to discover, explore, and reflect on your learning.


    Connect ∣ Learn ∣ Grow

    The asynchronous mode of the course means participants complete the modules at their own pace (within the course duration). Over a period of 6 weeks, participants will be encouraged to take what they have learned from the course into their context, collaborate with their colleagues, and reflect on the outcomes. In the ever-changing world of English language education, Oxford Teachers' Academy empowers the global teaching community to connect, learn, and grow.

    本課程採用非同步模式,學員可以按照自己的進度每週完成各個模組(在課程期間內)。 在為期 6 週的時間裡,學員將被鼓勵將所學應用到自己的教學情境中,與同事合作,並反思成果。 在瞬息萬變的英語語言教育領域中,牛津大學教師專業認證賦能全球教學社群,讓教育工作者連結、學習以及成長。

    Certificate | 取得專業證書,為你的教學能力加持

    All participants who successfully complete the course and provide sufficient evidence of learning receive a certificate of completion, issued by Oxford University Department for Continuing Education and Oxford University Press.

    完成課程後須提交「Evidence of Learning學習成果證明」。若符合指定標準,將在提交後收到由牛津大學進修推廣學院和牛津大學出版社頒發的證書。

    若您對本課程有興趣,想了解更多,歡迎點選「CONTACT US!」填寫課程預約表單。


