
Skill Sharpeners: STEAM, Grade 2

Skill Sharpeners: STEAM, Grade 2


作者:Evan Moor
系列名稱:Skill Sharpeners


Engage children in solving real-world problems with Skill Sharpeners: STEAM. STEAM is an approach to project-based learning that uses science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics to engage children in empathizing, thinking critically, collaborating, and coming up with solutions to solve real-world problems.
Skill Sharpeners: STEAM is where creativity meets academics. Each unit includes a fun hands-on STEAM project that encourages children to enjoy the journey of creating and sharing his or her solution to help create a better world.
Skill Sharpeners: STEAM activity books for grade 2 are organized around 9 real-world topics related to the environment, the Earth, people and cultures, and social and emotional learning. Topics include themes such as:
- Safe Bike Lanes STEAM task: Design a safe bike lane.
- Cheer Up STEAM task: Create a song and dance to perform.
- School Supplies STEAM task: Record a fundraising video.
- Working Animals STEAM task: Make a handbook that teaches how to properly care for working animals.
- School Lunches STEAM task: Design a lunch menu poster with foods from different countries.
Each unit includes a grade-appropriate story or nonfiction reading article, a STEAM task to solve, and activities that provide an integrated approach to learning:
- Science: important concepts and vocabulary related to the units theme
- Technology: models about how technology is applied in the real world
- Engineering: examples of engineering solutions in the world
- Art: creative solutions through art projects
- Math: math operations to figure out solutions
Plus, each title includes a:
- Career spotlight that highlights specific careers related to the topic
- Supply list for each STEAM task
- Bonus STEAM puzzle
- Certificate of completion
- Answer key
Bonus feature: Each book includes a downloadable Teaching Guide ($19.99 value!) for using this series in a classroom or homeschool. The Teaching Guide provides instructional support, extension activities, and a sample pacing plan and template.
Skill Sharpeners: STEAM creates entertaining and fun activities that get children thinking and learning without even realizing it.

美國廣泛使用 Skill Sharpeners 兒童英文輔導練習本
Evan-Moor 出版社在美國基礎教育的課後學習輔導教材上非常有名, Skill Sharpeners 系列就是其王牌系列之一。這套書是一套在美國幼兒園、小學和中學中廣泛使用的家庭輔導練習本,不僅可以幫孩子增強已學知識的理解,保持對學科知識的熟悉度,同時還能學習英語在各學科的實際運用。非常適合當作課後複習,增加熟練度;或是當作預先學習之後將學到的學科知識。
Skill Sharpeners 系列針對Grade PreK~Grade 6各年齡孩童必須具備的Math(數學)、Reading(閱讀)、Spell & Write(拼音與寫作)、Science(自然科學)、Critical Thinking(批判性思考)、Geography(地理)能力,提供多變化並且吸引孩童專注力的單元活動。題目著重在趣味性上,同時還具有一些挑戰,其練習特別注重孩子思維和靈活度的培養,提升孩子的綜合能力。每個單元皆建立在該技巧基底的反覆練習上,孩童藉由技巧磨練,讓智能發展熟能生巧!
Skill Sharpeners: Math 技巧磨練數學系列建立在美國全國數學教師協會(NCTM)的五項基準上:
• 數字與運算
• 度量衡
• 幾何學
• 代數學
• 數據分析和機率

Skill Sharpeners: Reading 技巧磨練閱讀系列含有迷人可愛的故事,內容建立在美國全國閱讀教學不可或缺的五項基礎上:
• 語音意識
• 詞彙
• 發音與字彙分析
• 理解能力
• 流暢度
Spell & Write
Skill Sharpeners: Spell & Write 技巧磨練拼讀與寫作系列建立在簡明易懂且好玩有趣的學習編排:
• 單元拼寫重點的故事或文章
• 拼寫練習單字列表
• 拼音遊戲與活動
• 文法、句型理解
• 寫作技巧訓練
• 測臉評量複習
Skill Sharpeners Science 為全彩印刷,協助孩子建立物理、生命和地球科學的概念與知識。其特色如下:
• 絕佳的科學系列教材,符合美國小學課程綱要
• 互動式活動,透過歌曲、旋律、動手做做看,提升小讀者學習意願
• 各單元一次聚焦單一科學概念,學習更有效
• 本書符合新世代科學教育標準
Critical Thinking
Skill Sharpeners Critical Thinking 幫助培養學童的批判性思考能力,讓孩子的自信與日俱增。本系列叢書包含有趣和創意的單元活動,引導孩子挑戰使用布魯姆分類法中的高階思考技巧。

書中設計 100 多項活動,每一頁都提供不同的趣味活動,幫助孩子學習成長:
• 開放式問題與挑戰讓孩子跳脫思考框架,使用高階思考技巧。
• 美術勞作活動開發孩子的創造力。
• 配合學齡前學童,囊括科學、數學、社會以及語文等內容的綜合活動,讓孩子練習批判性思考技巧,成為更好的學習者。


Skills Sharpeners: Geography 在孩子學習重要地圖技巧和地理概念時,吸引孩子探索世界。跨學科活動符合美國地理課程標準。每個地理主題包含非小說閱讀選集、理解性問題、字彙練習、寫作提示,以及實際活動,將觀念帶入生活中。這些活動讓孩子運用更進階的思考技巧發揮創造力;閱讀選集與活動部份讓孩子理解更多基礎之外的地理知識,深入世界上獨一無二的生態系統、生物圈、地區、歷史、文化,和社會運動。

Skill Sharpeners: STEAM, Grade 2
