
Go For It Math! Key Stage 1: Let's Measure It

Go For It Math! Key Stage 1: Let's Measure It


作者:Ruth Owen
出版社:Ruby Tuesday Books
系列名稱:Go For It Math


💡 用趣味數學遊戲玩出邏輯力 💡
▌全系列共四冊:Let’s Add & Subtract、Let’s Multiply & Divide、Let’s Measure It、Let’s Have Fun with Shapes,分別探討加減乘除運算、形狀及測量等數學概念。



▌每本書提供豐富的資源方便老師備課。書後附Tips for Math Success提供更多的數學活動。

↘ 透過手作活動,讓學生實際運用數學。

Let’s Add & Subtract, p. 6-7)

Maths is too hard! Maths is boring! I don’t like maths! Sound familiar?
Most young kids start out loving their new found maths skills, but repetitive practise of the same types of sums and questions can be counter productive and will eventually turn off enthusiastic young mathematicians.
Ruby Tuesday’s Go For It Maths! reinforces maths ideas by getting kids to use their knowledge and skills in lots of different ways. By playing number games, using reasoning and solving problems, students will see connections between different maths concepts and have the joy of discovering how maths and numbers work in the real world.
Designed for young readers to use on their own or with an adult, the book’s games and activities can be enjoyed by a single child, students working in pairs, or a whole group of kids problem-solving together. The aim of the books is to support and supplement the learning children do during maths lessons. The books will also provide plenty of material for busy teachers to use when planning lessons.

* Fun maths games and activities
* Colourful, engaging designs
* Tips and ideas for teachers and parents
* Great for lesson planning or home practise

Go For It Math! Key Stage 1: Let's Measure It
