
The Chronicles of Narnia #1: The Magician's Nephew

The Chronicles of Narnia #1: The Magician's Nephew


作者:C. S. Lewis
出版社:Harper Collins



Witness the creation of a magical land in The Magician's Nephew, the first title in C. S. Lewis's classic fantasy series, which has captivated readers of all ages for over sixty years.

This rack-size paperback features cover art by Cliff Nielsen and black-and-white interior artwork by the original illustrator of Narnia, Pauline Baynes.

On a daring quest to save a life, two friends are hurled into another world, where an evil sorceress seeks to enslave them. But then the lion Aslan's song weaves itself into the fabric of a new land, a land that will be known as Narnia. And in Narnia, all things are possible.

This is a stand-alone novel, but if you want to journey back to Narnia, read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the second book in The Chronicles of Narnia.

rack-sized 版本內容與原版相同,唯有封面圖畫線條增加上光處理,線條有明亮立體效果



作者C.S. Lewis生平最偉大的曠世鉅作,進入魔衣櫥帶您到納尼亞魔法國度冒險!家裡的衣櫥常是孩子探險的起點,《納尼亞年代記》幾乎就是每個小朋友所曾幻想過的探險情節。簡單生動的英文、書中刻意突顯的良善性靈,對於兒童性格養成有正面影響,所以50年來一直是西方兒童文學的經典。

● 版:最新出版之rack-sized 內容與原版相同,唯有封面圖畫線條增加上光處理,線條有明亮立體效果!
● 50週年版:內容與原版相同,不同之處為封面、尺寸、以及書中插畫為彩色圖畫,紙質印刷更加精美,更能提昇閱讀興趣! 
● 書+CD版本:其中書籍為50週年版,搭配朗讀CD,讓讀者練習聽力體驗精采故事內容!
● 電影版:ISBN:0-06-076548-8 內容與原版相同,不同之處為封面、尺寸!
● 相關書籍:『Into the Wardrobe: C. S. Lewis and the Narnia Chronicles』 帶您進入猶如魔衣櫥去一窺這迷人故事背後作者真實的創作背景,一段超越故事本身讓您意想不到的深度探索旅程就此展開!
● 有聲品 / Chronicles of Narnia Unabridged CD Box Set (31 CDs Only):搭配每本書籍的朗讀CD,一本書搭配約4~5片CD,由7位著名資深演員配音錄製。每本書的第一片CD皆收錄Bonus Material(相關資源),CD內容以書中各章節分隔音軌。

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  • The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew

The Chronicles of Narnia #1: The Magician's Nephew
