
1001 Restaurants You Must Experience Before You Die

1001 Restaurants You Must Experience Before You Die


作者:Jenny Linford


The world is full of wonderful places to eat, and this mouthwatering, globe-trotting guide features 1001 of the very best. Gourmets with an appetite for good food in gorgeous settings will find their taste buds tingling with anticipation as they flip through this book. The featured eateries range from beloved local delis and diners to haute cuisine establishments where one can enjoy refined dishes in elegant surroundings. The cuisines of the world are truly represented here through a diverse array of eateries categorized by country. From Junior's in Brooklyn, New York, to Denmark's Noma and South Africa's Babel, readers will find: *Restaurants from all over the planet with prices to suit every budget

*More than 900 full-color mouthwatering images with absorbing text

*Entries that detail the establishment's history, menu, and pricing

*An introduction that explores how and why restaurants attain iconic status


全世界有很多完美的用餐地點,本書帶您遊歷全世界 1001 個最棒的用餐地點,一定讓您垂涎三尺。可口的食物和優美的用餐環境刺激著味蕾,讓饕客們忍不住一頁接著一頁往下翻。除了收錄道地餐館,還有兼具精緻美食和高雅環境的高級餐廳。本書介紹的世界美食餐廳以國家為基準,從紐約布魯克林蛋糕店 (Junior's)、丹麥諾瑪 (Noma) 到南非的巴別爾 (Babel) 都盡收於此。您將能從本書獲取以下資訊:





1001 Restaurants You Must Experience Before You Die
