
Michael Rosen's Sad Book

Michael Rosen's Sad Book


作者:Michael Rosen



Very occasionally the term non-fiction has to stretch itself to accommodate a book that fits into no category at all. Michael Rosen's Sad Book is such a book. It chronicles Michael's grief at the death of his son Eddie from meningitis at the age of 19.

A moving combination of sincerity and simplicity, it acknowledges that sadness is not always avoidable or reasonable and perfects the art of making complicated feelings plain.

It wasn't made like any other book either; Michael Rosen said of the text, " I wrote it at a moment of extreme feeling and it went straight down onto the page ...Quentin didn't illustrate it, he 'realized' it.

He turned the text into a book and as a result showed me back to myself. No writer could ask and get more than that.

" And Quentin Blake says that the picture of Michael "being sad but trying to look happy" is the most difficult drawing he's ever done..."a moving experience."

Michael Rosen’s Sad Book

這是我讀過最沈重的繪本之一,一名失去愛子的父親,傾訴他痛失愛子的心路歷程,從身處靜謐深沈的黑暗、宣洩克制未果的惡意,到試圖排解與應對的練習,簡潔的詩句細數他真實的反應。繪者的勾勒不僅止於傳神,是近乎感同身受的理解。作者將他的內心誠實攤開,讓讀者捕捉將作品翻開,分享他情緒的波動與哀悼的經驗。 相信也會有家長對共讀此書抱持疑慮,適讀年齡因人而異,但某天您認為可以討論的時候,別忘了將這本書排入候選。我一直認為閱讀是與作者交換靈魂的機會,有類似遭遇的人在共鳴中獲得滿足或安慰,從未身臨其境的人尋求思考與感官的全新體驗,我想告訴孩子的是,感受不僅有各種滋味,還有不同層次,同理心的培養必須先經過認識。若你準備翻書一探究竟,我會建議一包衛生紙因應不時之需。

Michael Rosen's Sad Book
