Pearson English Kids Readers 3: Shaun the Sheep Save the Tree (British English)
Pearson English Kids Readers 3: Shaun the Sheep Save the Tree (British English)
Shaun the Sheep and his friends go to their favourite tree. Some sheep climb up it, some play on the swings, and other sheep dance and make music. They are having a party in the tree. But it is a very cold morning and the farmer wants to cut down the tree for firewood! Can Shaun and his friends stop the farmer and save the tree?
▌全套共分六級,每級六本。每本皆提供與國際閱讀標準(GSE, CEFR和Lexile)同步的閱讀分級規劃,有助於挑選適合程度的閱讀書目。
★Before You Read : 介紹角色、提供背景知識,預習單字。
★Before You Read : 短句搭配插圖。
★After You Read :
L1-3: 著重故事情節、單字、角色描述及人物互動關係。
L4-6: 著重故事動機、轉折、暗藏訊息以及讀者對故事的感受。
▌教學資源豐富,教學指引含讀本解答、故事摘要、背景及角色介紹、主題延伸指引、單字表、活動建議及學習單;故事音檔可至Pearson English Portal(PEP)線上平台下載。
▌Pearson English Portal(PEP) 教師 / 學生統一入口:
▌Pearson English Portal(PEP) 教師 / 學生資源使用期限:36個月
▌學習者資源含音檔,教學者資源含音檔及Teacher’s Note。
- Pearson Eng Kids Rdrs_3_Shaun-the-Sheep-Save-the-Tree_MP3
- Pearson English Kids Readers_Lexile分級對照表
- Pearson Eng Kids Rdrs_3_Shaun-the-Sheep-Save-the-Tree_Teacher's Notes
- Pearson English Kids Readers_Lexile分級對照表
- Pearson Eng Kids Rdrs_3_Shaun-the-Sheep-Save-the-Tree_MP3