Little Pea (硬頁書)
Ten years ago, Amy Krouse Rosenthal burst into children's books withLittle Pea, a book destined ...
Monsters Don't Eat Broccoli
What do monsters eat? The waitress in this restaurant just doesn't have a clue. Monsters don'...
How Did That Get in My Lunchbox?: The Story of Food
★ 李貞慧《親子大手拉小手,跟著繪本快樂學英文》推薦繪本The best part of a young child's day is often opening a lunchbox and...
How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? (Book + CD)
克.提格(Mark Teague)攜手創造的How Do Dinosaurs系列透過各式各樣的恐龍主角,表現出孩子們日常生活的百態。這些恐龍寶貝們調皮的樣子不但讓孩子看了哈哈大笑,更能幫助他們培養良好...
Good Enough to Eat
An introduction to nutrition describes the six categories of nutrients needed for good health, how t...
The Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room
每一本生活點滴 都是 機會教育的契機 暢銷全球的兒童代表叢書 The Berenstain Bears 貝安斯坦熊系列繪本 ★ 多達35本書目長鋸美國《出版人週刊》TOP 25...
A Bad Case of Stripes
Black Snowman Bitter about his skin color and his poverty, Jacob reluctantly builds a snowman out o...
10 Minutes till Bedtime
★吳敏蘭《繪本123,用五感玩出寶寶的英語好感度》推薦書單 – 同場加映 A boy's hamster leads an increasingly large group o...