大紅狗 Clifford共22筆商品
The Big Island Race (Clifford the Big Red Dog Storybook)
When Emily Elizabeth and her friends read about the Red Planet, they think it sounds exactly like th...
Clifford the Big Red Dog: The Story of Clifford
Welcome to Birdwell Island, home of Emily Elizabeth and Clifford the Big Red Dog! Clifford and Emily...
It's Pool Time!
Clifford and Emily Elizabeth are spending a day at the pool!Emily Elizabeth wants to earn her Cool K...
Clifford Phonics Fun Reading Program Pack 3 (12 Books+CD)(絕版售完為止)
全系列總共有6套讀本,每套12冊+1CD,共72本。 深受大家喜愛的Clifford與他的朋友們做為系列的主題人物,帶領孩子們一起認識自然發音的規則。讀本發音規則含蓋內容: 第1.2套:短母音、子...
Clifford Phonics Fun Reading Program Pack 5 (12 Books+CD)
Let Clifford Teach Your Child to Read! Every Child love Clifford. There’s no one better to gu...
Clifford Phonics Fun Reading Program Pack 6 (12 Books+CD)
Let Clifford Teach Your Child to Read! Every Child love Clifford. There’s no one better to gu...
Clifford's Birthday Party
Everyone wants to give their friend Clifford a special birthday present. But the blow-up ball gets b...