Kisses from Space (精裝版)
As Polaris Dawn crewmember, engineer, and mother Anna Menon gets ready to take off into space, she p...
Going Down Home with Daddy
★ Caldecott Medal Winner, 2020 Set at one young boy's annual family reunion, this Caldecott Hon...
The Hello, Goodbye Window
凱迪克獎(The Caldecott Medal),是由美國圖書館協會所頒發的兒童繪本大獎。1938年創立。 獎項的目的在於獎勵前一年度出版的「給兒童的美國最傑出繪本」,選出一個金牌獎及數個榮譽(銀...
Do You Remember? (精裝版)
From the author/artist of the multiple award-winning of Small in the City comes an innovative and mo...
Just Like Mummy
Who wouldn’t want to be just like mummy, when she is loving and silly, creative and practical?...
My Baba's Garden (精裝版)
The bond between a child and his grandmother grows as they tend her garden together. A young boy sp...
My Grandma Is the Best! (精裝版)
From the best-selling author of theHere I Come! series, this collection of poems makes a perfect gif...
My Grandpa Is the Best! (精裝版)
From the best-selling author of theHere I Come! series, this collection of poems makes a perfect gif...