English Works for Journalism (Book+Caves WebSource)
英文新聞,其實你也可以看得懂! 本書取材自知名新聞媒體英文報導文章,循序漸進從單字進入新聞文章, 並補充新聞常見用字與片語,讓學習者花更少的時間,更快掌握要訣。 當代新聞媒介已從報紙漸漸走到網路與影...
焦點新聞英文 News English in Focus (Book+Caves WebSource)
《焦點新聞英文》作者專訪:新聞英文可以像吃飯一樣自然《焦點新聞英文》名人專訪:作者的教學方式至今難忘!《焦點新聞英文》學生推薦:只要學過,就忘不了! 在國際化的時代,你也許希望接受來自更多國家的資訊,...
Cambridge IGCSE Physics Study and Revision Guide 2nd edition (Study & Revision Guide)
Providing guidance that helps students practice and troubleshoot their exam technique, these books s...
Oxford English for Careers: Oil and Gas 2 Class CD (絕版售完為止)
Oxford English for Careers teaches pre-work students to communicate in English, within the context o...
Oxford English for Careers: Oil and Gas 2 Teacher's Resource Book (絕版售完為止)
Oxford English for Careers teaches pre-work students to communicate in English, within the context o...
Oxford English for Careers: Oil and Gas Student Book 2 (絕版售完為止)
Oxford English for Careers teaches pre-work students to communicate in English, within the context o...
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