Oxford Elementary Learner's E-C Dictionary 5th Edition 牛津初階英漢雙解詞典 (第五版)
精選重要詞彙,着重實際應用,使用方便,讓初階英語學習者打穩基礎,是學習英語的最佳入門工具- 20,000個單詞和短語,350個新詞新義- 14,000條示例- 500項用法說明,涵蓋拼寫、語法、發音、...
Collins COBUILD Primary Learner's Dictionary 4th Edition
Ideal for young learners of English and primary school students who are studying through the medium ...
Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary 10th Edition 牛津高階英漢雙解詞典 10/e (with App+online iWriter & iSpeaker)
▌收錄超過140,000個字彙、片語,並包含超過1,000個新詞,如:chatbot、fake news、microplastic等。▌第十版收錄當代基礎與進階學術詞彙,包含Oxford 3000&t...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary 10th Edition (Hardcover)
The tenth edition of the Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary has been revised and up...
Oxford Children's Picture Dictionary
This beautifully illustrated dictionary helps young learners to practise over 800 words for 40 topic...
Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English 2nd Edition (Includes 2 years' app access code)
The Oxford Collocations Dictionary improves students' accuracy by showing them the words that wo...
Oxford Learner's Thesaurus 2nd Edition (Includes 2 years' app access code)
The Oxford Learner's Thesaurus helps youunderstand the differences between familiar wordssuch as...
Collins COBUILD Phrasal Verbs Dictionary 4th Edition (Paperback)
Collins COBUILD Phrasal Verbs Dictionarygives learners of English detailed help with this often tric...