Baby Loves Aerospace Engineering! (硬頁書)
Accurate enough to satisfy an expert, yet simple enough for baby, this book explores the basics of f...
Baby Loves Quarks! (硬頁書)
Accurate enough to satisfy an expert, yet simple enough for baby, this book explores the basics of p...
On a Beam of Light
★ 李貞慧《親子大手拉小手,跟著繪本快樂學英文》推薦繪本 ★ 劉怡伶《用英文繪本讀出孩子的素養力》 推薦書單 ★ 戴逸群英文騎士團長《用繪本、橋梁書和小說打造孩子英語閱讀素養》推薦書單 Trave...
Can We Save the Tiger?
Tigers are pretty special — and so are ground iguanas and partula snails and even white-rumped...
Ten Seeds
★《大人也喜歡的繪本》推薦書單 The perfect counting book for young nature-lovers If you plant 10 seeds, what do y...
Beautiful OOPS! (洞洞精裝版)
★ 李貞慧推薦繪本 ★ 劉怡伶《親子閱讀趣 悅讀真有趣》 推薦書單 A spill. A smear. A smudge. A tear. When you think you have made...
Snowflake Bentley
凱迪克獎(The Caldecott Medal),是由美國圖書館協會所頒發的兒童繪本大獎。1938年創立。 獎項的目的在於獎勵前一年度出版的「給兒童的美國最傑出繪本」,選出一個金牌獎及數個榮譽(銀...
Little Green: I Can Save the Earth!
A new “green” series!: Little Green Books will educate children on what they can do to b...