Learning Teaching 3rd Edition (with DVD) (TKT考試必備參考書)
All the titles in our Books for Teachers series have been written to expand and develop the skills u...
Delta Young Learners English Teacher Book: Fantastic Flyers (絕版售完為止)
▌一套專為「劍橋兒童英語認證」所編寫的考試準備教材。每一冊專為一個級數編寫,全套共三冊,分別為Super Starters、Mighty Movers和Fantastic Flyers。 ▌每冊共十...
How to Teach English, New/e (with DVD)
How to系列由傑瑞米.哈摩(Jeremy Harmer)編纂,並由一群老師與師培人員撰寫,他們熟稔實際的課室狀況,也清楚老師在教學上所需的學生配合度,於是出版了這套實用且容易上手的叢書,可說是專業...
Learning and Teaching English (Book+1CD)(TKT英文教師考試參考用書)
An A-Z of ELT (Macmillan-2006) (TKT考試必備參考書) (絕版售完為止)
All the titles in our Books for Teachers series have been written to expand and develop the skills u...
Children Learning English (Macmillan-2005) (TKT考試必備參考書)
All the titles in our Books for Teachers series have been written to expand and develop the skills u...
Learning Teaching 2rd (Macmillan-2005) (TKT考試必備參考書)
All the titles in our Books for Teachers series have been written to expand and develop the skills u...
Teaching Practice: A handbook for teachers in Training (Macmillan-2005) (TKT英文教師考試參考用書)
All the titles in our Books for Teachers series have been written to expand and develop the skills u...