Where the Dark Stands Still
Raised in a small village near the spirit-wood, Liska Radost knows that Magic is monstrous, and its ...
Marks the Spot
For Gemma's whole life, it has always been her and her mom against the world. As far as she knew...
World of Reading Descendants 2-books Set
World of Reading主題豐富,內頁圖片色彩鮮明及電腦動畫繪製的人物細緻逼真,透過廣受小男生和小女生喜愛的人物包含,漫威英雄人物: 鋼鐵人、蜘蛛人、電影版星際大戰、迪士尼Micky系列&he...
Dark Rise #2: Dark Heir
A new threat from the past is rising, and only a handful of heroes remain to fight. Pursued by dark ...
Minecraft: Mob Squad 3-books Set
Realm Breaker #3: Fate Breaker
The Companions are scattered and hopeless, torn from each other. After Corayne barely escapes with h...
The Treasure Chest 2-books Set
Including Clara Barton #1 and Alexander Hamilton #2. The timetraveling Robbin twins meet history&rsq...