Ready, Set, Create! 1: The Happy Tree (with Activity Book, Wall Chart, Free APP) (with Activity Book, Saypen Sticker, Template, Free APP)
最顛覆傳統的‧STEAM 入門英語讀本系列 ▌Ready, Set, Play! Series以全球最新學習趨勢 STEAM 概念編寫,融入21 世紀關鍵能力及 fiction 與 non-fict...
Smithsonian STEAM Readers 2: Piecing Art Together
⚙STEAM English✕ 閱讀素養力 跨科知能齊步走 ▌本系列讀本由 Teachers Created Materials 出版社與美國史密斯森研究協會(Smithsonian Institu...
Smithsonian STEAM Readers 3: Botanical Illustration
⚙STEAM English✕ 閱讀素養力 跨科知能齊步走 ▌本系列讀本由 Teachers Created Materials 出版社與美國史密斯森研究協會(Smithsonian Institu...
Smithsonian STEAM Readers 4: Making Movies in Technicolor
⚙STEAM English✕ 閱讀素養力 跨科知能齊步走 ▌本系列讀本由 Teachers Created Materials 出版社與美國史密斯森研究協會(Smithsonian Institu...
Creative Investigations in Early Art
While the visual and performing arts are powerful curricular companions to early STEM experiences, e...
Oxford Read and Discover Pack 1: Art (with Audio Download Access Code)
▌一套跨學科內容編寫的 non-fiction 讀本。融合廣泛的知識性內容,讓學習者體驗閱讀不同類型讀本的樂趣。本套讀本更是 CLIL (Contentand Language Integrated ...
Oxford Read and Discover 1: Art (Book Only)
▌一套跨學科內容編寫的 non-fiction 讀本。融合廣泛的知識性內容,讓學習者體驗閱讀不同類型讀本的樂趣。本套讀本更是 CLIL (Contentand Language Integrated ...
Ready, Set, Create! 1: The Gingerbread Man (with Activity Book, Digital CD, Wall Chart) (絕版售完為止)
最顛覆傳統的‧STEAM 入門英語讀本系列 ▌Ready, Set, Play! Series以全球最新學習趨勢 STEAM 概念編寫,融入21 世紀關鍵能力及 fiction 與 non-fict...