Lost (精裝版)
In this paneled picture book, join a small girl on her hilarious and surprising search for her lost ...
Snowman's Story (精裝版)
Filled with charm and fun, this wordless picture book from a beloved illustrator lets kids tell thei...
Before After (精裝版)
Which came first? No words are necessary in this beautiful, artfully humorous book, in which every t...
Frog on His Own (A Boy, a Dog, and a Frog) (精裝版)
Following the re-release of the first three books in this beloved series, here are the final three c...
Do You Want to Be My Friend?
Eric Carle 美國設計師、插畫家、兒童繪本作家和兒童文學作家。他最有名的作品是他用拼貼技法創作的《好餓的毛毛蟲》,截至2014年,已經被翻譯成超過60種語言,並在世界各地售出3千8百萬本。自從...
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