Thanksgiving Friends (觸摸硬頁書)
An adorable cast of forest friends gets ready for Thanksgiving as they spend time baking a pumpkin p...
The Berenstain Bears:Thankful for Family (硬頁書)
每一本生活點滴 都是 機會教育的契機 暢銷全球的兒童代表叢書 The Berenstain Bears 貝安斯坦熊系列繪本 ★ 多達35本書目長鋸美國《出版人週刊》TOP 25...
Giving Thanks (精裝版)
The beautifully illustrated true story of how Thanksgiving became a national holiday in America, of ...
The Thank You Book (硬頁書)
From thanking your teacher for teaching, to thanking your vet for caring, from sharing a hug, to giv...
The Thank You Letter
After a wonderful party, birthday girl Grace sits down to thank her friends and family for all their...
A Little Golden Book: I Am Thankful (精裝版)
There's nothing like a Little Golden Book--and everyone's favorites can be found in this del...
Dear Beast: The Pet Parade
A stuck-up cat and a good-natured dog are pen pals from a distance, until a disastrous sleepover bri...
Thank You, Teacher from The Very Hungry Caterpillar (精裝版)
Eric Carle 美國設計師、插畫家、兒童繪本作家和兒童文學作家。他最有名的作品是他用拼貼技法創作的《好餓的毛毛蟲》,截至2014年,已經被翻譯成超過60種語言,並在世界各地售出3千8百萬本。自從...