Sprinkles Student's Packs 2 (Student Book+Activity Pad+Little Book+Caves WebSource)
~將英文融入幼兒生活經驗!~ 學習成效看得見!專為幼兒所設計的美語學習教材, 強調多元智能發展,透過跨學科的統整學習,激發幼兒學習美語的樂趣! ▌本套教材是專為幼稚園學童所設計,全套分三級,每級兩冊...
Reach For The Stars Student Book A (with Online Practice & ebook)
Reach for the Stars is a three-book phonics and early literacy program that prepares very young lear...
Reach For The Stars Student Book B (with Online Practice & ebook)
Reach for the Stars is a three-book phonics and early literacy program that prepares very young lear...
Reach For The Stars Student Book C (with Online Practice & ebook)
Reach for the Stars is a three-book phonics and early literacy program that prepares very young lear...
Reach For The Stars Teacher's Book A
Reach for the Stars is a three-book phonics and early literacy program that prepares very young lear...
Reach For The Stars Teacher's Book B
Reach for the Stars is a three-book phonics and early literacy program that prepares very young lear...
Reach For The Stars Teacher's Book C
Reach for the Stars is a three-book phonics and early literacy program that prepares very young lear...
Reach for the Stars 系列商品全品項
Reach for the Stars is a three-book phonics and early literacy program that prepares very young lear...