The Lion Inside
★ 李貞慧《不要小看我》推薦繪本 From the creator of the known and loved Bright Side lifestyle brand, Rachel Brigh...
I Like Myself! (硬頁書)
High on energy and imagination, this ode to self-esteem encourages kids to appreciate everything abo...
Emmanuel's Dream (精裝版)
★ 李貞慧推薦書單★ 戴逸群英文騎士團長《用繪本、橋梁書和小說打造孩子英語閱讀素養》推薦書單Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah's inspiring true story which...
Brave Irene
Brave Ireneis Irene Bobbin, the dressmaker's daughter. Her mother, Mrs. Bobbin, isn't feelin...
Tacky the Penguin (硬頁書)
★ 《小熊媽的經典英語繪本101+》推薦書單 Tacky’s the odd bird out among all his friends. Will this nonconformi...
The Carrot Seed 60th Anniversary Edition
★ 吳敏蘭《繪本123,用五感玩出寶寶的英語好感度》推薦書單 ★ 《小熊媽的經典英語繪本101+》推薦書單 ★ 新北市繪本魔力活化英語推薦書單 A little boy plants a carr...
Leo the Late Bloomer
★ 《小熊媽的經典英語繪本101+》推薦書單 Although it takes some patient waiting on Father's part, charming littl...
Mirette on the High Wire
凱迪克獎(The Caldecott Medal),是由美國圖書館協會所頒發的兒童繪本大獎。1938年創立。 獎項的目的在於獎勵前一年度出版的「給兒童的美國最傑出繪本」,選出一個金牌獎及數個榮譽(銀...