Oxford Read and Imagine Pack 1: The Snow Tigers (with Audio Download Access Code)
Oxford Read and Imagine Pack 1: The Snow Tigers (with Audio Download Access Code)
Max is in a new ice-hockey team, called The Tigers. But what happens when Grandpa and Clunk take the children to a snowy place to see a snow tiger?
▌本系列讀本為fiction的故事類型,書中主角 Rosie, Ben 和 Grandpa 帶領讀者一起去探險,有如身歷其境,越讀越有樂趣。此系列不但能夠協助讀者培養良好閱讀習慣,加上書末的閱讀理解練習、專案計畫、圖畫字典等補充資源,更能讓讀者在閱讀中自然而然提升語言技能。
🗣️ 英式發音/美式發音
CEFR: PreA1~B1