Bookworms Library Pack 2: Ghosts International: Troll and Other Stories (with Audio Download Access Code)
Bookworms Library Pack 2: Ghosts International: Troll and Other Stories (with Audio Download Access Code)
In Sweden, nobody wants a troll to come into their garden, but how do you stop them? On a lonely road at night in Oman, Abdul's car breaks down and he takes a ride with a stranger, but perhaps it is safer to walk. In England some young people play a scary game, and in Asia, a soldier returns home - at last. Every country in the world has stories about ghosts and spirits and monsters of one kind or another. Some people believe in ghosts, and some don't - but everyone enjoys a good ghost story.
在瑞典,沒有人會想讓一個怪物來到他們的花園,但到底要怎麼做才能趕走他們?在阿曼王國,深夜的一條路上,Abdul的車拋錨,他搭上陌生人的便車,但或許此時走路是更好、更安全的選擇。 在英國,一些青少年會玩恐怖遊戲,而在亞洲,士兵終究會回家。 世界上,每個國家都會有些關於鬼、靈魂或是怪物的故事,有些人相信鬼,有些人則不相信。然而,一個嚇人的鬼故事,人人都愛。
Oxford Bookworms Library (New Edition)
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- L2_Ghosts International:Troll and Other Stories_Answer Key
- L2_Ghosts International:Troll and Other Stories_Answer Key