ELi Young Adult Readers Pack 2 (New edition) : Theatre: Hamlet (with ELi Link APP)
ELi Young Adult Readers Pack 2 (New edition) : Theatre: Hamlet (with ELi Link APP)
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
William Shakespeare, Hamlet
After Hamlet sees his father’s ghost, he begins to act in a strange way. He now knows the terrible secret of his father’s death and must decide what to do. Many people think he’s become mad? Is it true? Will he do what his father’s ghost asks?And what about love? Will he lose Ophelia’s love for him? Read the play and see how Hamlet’s life changes and how it changes the lives of the people around him.
▌Eli Readers (英式發音)
▌依書目不同提供「讀本 +CD」、「讀本 +Multi-ROM CD」或「讀本 +App」版,未來隨書將不再附贈CD,既有庫存售完後將更改為App版本。(單書版本售完為止)
▌系列讀本解答、完整音檔請至 ELi Readers 官方網站下載,部分讀本另有延伸學習單或影片資源。官方網站: https://www.eligradedreaders.com/
------------------ ELi First Reader-----------------
------------------ ELi Young Reader-----------------
級數 | 字彙 | CEF等級 |
Stage 1 | 100 headwords | Below A1 |
Stage 2 | 200 headwords | A1 |
Stage 3 | 300 headwords | A1.1 |
Stage 4 | 400 headwords | A2 |
----------------- ELi Teen & Young Adult Readers -----------------