
Tactics for TOEIC: Listening and Reading Tests Pack (Book+2 PracticeTests+Answer Key+4CDs) (ETS-官方英語版) (絕版售完為止)

Tactics for TOEIC: Listening and Reading Tests Pack (Book+2 PracticeTests+Answer Key+4CDs) (ETS-官方英語版) (絕版售完為止)


系列名稱:Tactics for TOEIC (ETS)


Tactics for TOEIC-Listening and Reading Tests Pack是專為New TOEIC所設計的教材。全書內容皆取材自具權威性的ETS(Educational Testing Service, 美國教育考試服務中心)所授權之考題,以及TOEIC官方版考題。





▌口說單元特別設計「Using natural English」,加強訓練學生說英語的節奏感和語調,幫助他們在口說項目拿高分。

▌書後附Word List和每單元單字複習小考,讓學習者更熟悉相關字彙。

** 備註:因國外提供本書Pack版包含學生課本+模擬試題+解答+CD音檔。解答與CD音檔不提供獨立販售,僅能透過Pack版購買。

Key features

■ A range of practical Test tips, Language building activities, and Tactics reinforced with immediate practice to help students succeed in the test.

■ Two complete practice tests with explanatory key and tapescripts.

■ Listenings feature a range of speakers to familiarize students with the accents heard on the new TOEIC test.

■ Understanding natural English sections raise awareness of sound changes that can make native speech difficult to understand.

■ Mini-tests to review and reinforce test tactics and vocabulary from the units.

■ Word list and accompanying vocabulary review quizzes.

Tactics for TOEIC: Listening and Reading Tests Pack (Book+2 PracticeTests+Answer Key+4CDs) (ETS-官方英語版) (絕版售完為止)
