
I Love Chinese New Year

I Love Chinese New Year


作者:Eva Wong Nava


A gorgeously illustrated introduction to Chinese New Year, written by Eva Wong Nava and illustrated by Li Xin.

'Twelve animals, one for each year, each one with their own special powers. It all started with a race to cross the most heavenly of rivers.' Chinese New Year is right around the corner and Mai-Anne is so excited! As her family start decorating the house, there's a knock on the door... her grandmother, Nai Nai, has arrived! They start their celebrations with a traditional meal filled with fish for good luck, noodles for long life, dumplings for blessings and a WHOLE chicken. Then after dinner Nai Nai tells the story of how Chinese New year began, with the Great Race! Join Mai-Anne as she learns about twelve animals and their special powers in the story of how Chinese New Year began!

A beautifully illustrated introduction to the true meaning of Chinese New Year and family traditions for little ones A love letter to all the grandparents in the world Features some non-fiction facts on the last pages for especially curious minds about Chinese New Year, including different countries' traditions

Illustrations of China Towns around the world on the first and last pages Written and illustrated by two brilliantly talented Asian women

紅包、年夜飯、舞龍舞獅:《I Love Chinese New Year》教你帶孩子過年這樣更有趣!

說到農曆新年,腦海裡是不是立刻浮現了紅包、春聯、年夜飯?這些熟悉的小儀式,從小就讓我們覺得新年特別有「味道」。不過,當我開始當媽媽,發現自己的新年更多是「忙得不可開交」,反而少了那種單純的喜悅感。 直到前陣子,我和孩子一起讀了這本繪本《I Love Chinese New Year》。突然覺得,原來新年的美好,真的可以透過小小的故事重新感受到。

I Love Chinese New Year
