
Spectrum Math Workbook, Grade 6 (2014年版)

Spectrum Math Workbook, Grade 6 (2014年版)




Reinforce your sixth-grader s math skills with Spectrum Math. With the progressive lessons in this workbook, students will strengthen skills that include multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals, complex measurement, and beginning algebra. The best-selling Spectrum(R) Math workbook series provides quality educational activities that build the skills your child needs for math achievement and success. Students in grades K8 will find lessons and exercises that help them progress through increasingly difficult subject matter. Chapter pretests and posttests, Mid-Tests, and Final Tests, along with complete answer keys, help students track their progress and locate areas for improvement. Aligned to current state standards, Spectrum is your child s path to math mastery. Spectrum, the best-selling workbook series, is proud to provide quality educational materials that support your students learning achievement and success

使用本書,增進小學六年級學生的數學能力。本習作簿的漸進式課程,幫助學童加強分數與小數乘除,複雜測量與初階代數的運算能力。本系列暢銷書提供有效教學活動,建立學童所需的數學技巧。K8 學制的學生透過循序漸進的課程和練習,提升數學能力。每個章節皆有課前測驗、課中測驗、課後測驗與全冊總複習測驗,試題均附詳解,學生藉測驗成績掌握學習狀況,了解自己需要加強的地方。本系列暢銷書符合當前國家核心教學標準,提供優質教材,幫助學童學習並達成學業目標,最終熟練掌握數學技巧。

With this series, students get the practice they need in essential reading skills. Each lesson features an illustrated story followed by exercises in comprehension and basic reading skills.

*Perfect supplement for basal reading program. Activities that reinforce skills in phonemic awareness, phonics, word recognition, decoding, and reading comprehension. Engaging, lively passages in curriculum content areas.
*Proven method for developing reading proficiency
*Study skills that help students apply their reading skills to new tasks
*Comprehension exercises that help students draw conclusions, predict outcomes and identify cause and effect
*Answer key


Spectrum Math Workbook, Grade 6 (2014年版)
