The Grey Lady and the Strawberry Snatcher (無字書)
凱迪克獎(The Caldecott Medal),是由美國圖書館協會所頒發的兒童繪本大獎。1938年創立。 獎項的目的在於獎勵前一年度出版的「給兒童的美國最傑出繪本」,選出一個金牌獎及數個榮譽(銀...
Bedtime for Frances
★《小熊媽的經典英語繪本101+》推薦書單 It may be bedtime for Frances, but before Frances can sleep, she needs a gla...
Ten Black Dots
★吳敏蘭《繪本123,用五感玩出寶寶的英語好感度》推薦書單 First published in 1968, Ten Black Dots is a counting book, a book o...
Mouse Count
★吳敏蘭《繪本123,用五感玩出寶寶的英語好感度》推薦書單 In this charming companion to Mouse Paint, Ellen Stoll Walsh introdu...
Eating the Alphabet: Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z
★吳敏蘭《繪本123,用五感玩出寶寶的英語好感度》推薦書單 – 同場加映 ★ 李貞慧《親子大手拉小手,跟著繪本快樂學英文》推薦繪本 A vibrant and sturdy word ...
White on Black (無字硬頁書)
★吳敏蘭《繪本123,用五感玩出寶寶的英語好感度》推薦書單 This high-contrast board book features white pictures on a black bac...
Quick as a Cricket
A celebration of a child's growing self-awareness, and a prime example of how books can contribute t...
It Looked Like Spilt Milk
★ 吳敏蘭《繪本123,用五感玩出寶寶的英語好感度》推薦書單 ★ 《小熊媽的經典英語繪本101+》推薦書單 A beautiful and engaging classic that inspir...