David Wiesner received the 1991 Caldecott Medal for Tuesday. In the years that followed, he went on to receive two more Caldecotts, and Tuesday went on to sell half a million copies in the United States and to be published in a dozen foreign countries. Now, with remarkable advances in the technology of color reproduction, the original artwork for Tuesday is being reproduced anew, for an edition even more faithful to the palette and texture of David Wiesner’s watercolor paintings. The whimsical account of a Tuesday when frogs were airborne on their lily pads will continue to enchant readers of all ages.
大衛.威斯納的《瘋狂星期二》於 1991 年榮獲凱迪克獎。隨後幾年,他再拿下兩座凱迪克獎,而《瘋狂星期二》在美國熱賣五十萬本,也在十多個國家發行。如今,隨著色彩再現的技術大躍進,原著中的繪畫也將煥然一新,而新版也更忠於原著大衛.威斯納的水彩畫色調及筆觸。