Ready-to-Read 1: Flood! (Natural Disasters)
汪培珽推薦書單 Ready to Read 各色豐富故事,選讀興趣,讀出樂趣分級讀本的優點,在於讀本會依照字彙、句型難易、字數多寡、文意程度等等來分級,讓家長易於為孩子挑選適讀的級數,帶領孩子從繪本晉...
Skip Through the Seasons
Whirl through the months of the year in this action packed seek-and-find book that takes young reade...
Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2: Why Are the Ice Caps Melting?
知識吸收從生活中親身體驗 Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 孩子的第一套自然科學入門讀本!孩子的成長過程中,到了開始認知與感受的階段時,對於動植物、大自然、身體奧...
On the Same Day in March
★ 李貞慧推薦國中生繪本 On the same day in March... Polar bears ride on Artic ice. People in French cafes tur...
Magic Tree House #20: Dingoes At Dinnertime
※書封因新舊版本不同,實際依出貨為主,請確認能接受此類可能書況再做選購。 ▌一套專門為母語為英語的學習者所撰寫的讀本,故事主題多元有趣,可提高孩子閱讀的興致。 ▌字彙量介於5,000~8,00...
The Wind Blew
★ 吳敏蘭《繪本123,用五感玩出寶寶的英語好感度》推薦書單 – 同場加映 The wind blew, and blew, and blew! It blew so hard, it...