Awesome Animal Evolution
Discover the most brilliant skills animals have ever evolved in a stylish and fascinating picture bo...
Save the... Penguins
Learn how to save the animals they love.
National Geographic Kids Chapters 4-Books Set
Written in fun and lively prose that empowers readers to devour the book page by page, these action-...
National Geographic Readers 5-Books Set
百年歷史、具全球影響力、聞名全世界! National Geographic Kids Readers 國家地理兒童分級讀本 ▌內容涵蓋動植物生態、世界各地人文、歷史名人、自然科學等主題,以真實、生動...
Penguin Young Readers 4: 5-Books Set
1. 用詞押韻,朗朗上口,便于孩子理解和記憶; 2. 附有由知名插畫家繪制的全彩插圖,生動形象,有利于孩子更好地理解故事內容; 3. 閱讀難度逐漸遞增,但都在孩子的理解范圍內,樹立孩子的英語閱讀自信心...
Penguin Young Readers #4: Totally Turtles!
1. 用詞押韻,朗朗上口,便于孩子理解和記憶; 2. 附有由知名插畫家繪制的全彩插圖,生動形象,有利于孩子更好地理解故事內容; 3. 閱讀難度逐漸遞增,但都在孩子的理解范圍內,樹立孩子的英語閱讀自信心...
How It Works: Shark (洞洞書)
This interactive board book features layered die cuts throughout to introduce toddlers to sharks and...
Tell Me About Oceans (硬頁書)
A child gets answers to their many questions about the ocean in this rhyming, fact-filled nonfiction...