
We Went to Find a Woolly Mammoth

We Went to Find a Woolly Mammoth


出版社:Hodder Education


We went to find a woolly mammoth ... and it was NOWHERE to be found.

It wasn't chilling on the snow-covered lands. Or swimming in the icy river. And it DEFINITELY wasn't hiding in the frozen forest.

Everywhere we looked, we found strange creatures instead. There was a hairy scary woolly rhino rolling around in some grass (weird ... we thought it always snowed in the Ice Age). A spotty dotty sabre-tooth cat that was ready for a fight (RUN!) And a spiky feisty giant armadillo (but I crept right past him - armadillos are pretty blind you know ...). But absolutely NO mammoths.

Where could such a HUGE great MAMMOOSIVE creature be hiding?

Meet some of the incredible and unbelievably large creatures from the Ice Age in this laugh-out-loud picture book story that features hilarious, fascinating and slightly bizarre facts throughout. Perfect for fans of We're Going on a Bear Hunt.

《We Went to Find a Woolly Mammoth》追尋長毛象足跡 探索冰河時代

如果你想讓幼兒無痛進入科普知識,這本《We Went to Find a Woolly Mammoth》會是很好的開始。我在與女兒共讀之前,我就自己先看了一次,故事非常有趣、畫風很可愛,還有一些關於動物的小知識,都是能吸引小朋友閱讀的元素。 某天芸芸從幼兒園放學回來,發現我放在桌上的《We Went to Find a Woolly Mammoth》,就獨自翻閱,並且不斷的詢問我「這是什麼動物、那是什麼動物」、「它躲在草叢裡、這隻躲在樹上」、「它跟老虎長得好像、這是好大好大的樹懶、它跟大象一樣耶~不過有毛」。沒錯!我們要相信孩子的觀察力,她們往往能從身邊的一切發現更多的奧秘。

We Went to Find a Woolly Mammoth
