Good Night, Gorilla (硬頁書)
Good Night, Gorilla (硬頁書)
★ 《Scholastic Raising A Rock-star Reader》推薦讀本
★ 劉怡伶《親子閱讀趣 悅讀真有趣》 推薦書單
A must-have board book for all babies.
Good night, Gorilla.
Good night, Elephant.
It's bedtime at the zoo, and all the animals are going to sleep. Or are they? Who's that short, furry guy with the key in his hand and the mischievous grin?
Good night, Giraffe.
Good night, Hyena.
Sneak along behind the zookeeper's back, and see who gets the last laugh in this riotous good-night romp.