David Smells!: A Diaper David Book (硬頁書)
David Smells!: A Diaper David Book (硬頁書)
With the same irresistible humor and vibrant style as his award-winning No, David! books, David Shannon takes us back to the "early years" of his most beloved character. Perfect for beginning readers as well as for the youngest children!
深諳兒童心理並擅長描繪親子互動情境,David Shannon充滿想像力及幽默感的作品總能引起大小讀者會心一笑。自1989年開始創作兒童圖畫書以來,Shannon已產出二十多本作品,廣受讀者好評及眾多獎項肯定,其中《No, David!》更獲得凱迪克銀牌獎殊榮。