
Civil Rights Stories: Human Rights

Civil Rights Stories: Human Rights


作者:Louise Spilsbury
出版社:Franklin Watts
系列名稱:Civil Rights Stories


Included is a foreword by Professor Leslie Thomas QC. Leslie is a leading barrister, a Professor of Law and a passionate champion of human rights.
A chronological selection of key civil rights moments and movements in the struggle for equal human rights is explained in a child-friendly way. This book examines some of the history of how and why inequality exists and the challenges to overcome it. This book looks at topics including revolution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN, Amnesty International and human rights that affect children. It also looks at some of the freedoms and rights that all people should have, such as the right to be free from violence and slavery. It explores how people and organisations have stood up for our rights and how the struggle for equality continues to this day.
Prominent civil rights campaigners and figures are featured and a timeline helps readers to see how human rights have evolved over time. Sensitive illustrations help to illuminate the text and will aid readers in understanding some of the harder concepts. Death and violence are mentioned, but are wholly in context and are written about in a non-alarmist way with the age of the reader very much in mind.

The Civil Rights Stories series is a vital resource for younger readers aged 7+ who are being introduced to these topics or are studying these topics in school.
Titles in this
Human Rights
LGBTQ+ Rights
Racial Equality
Refugees and Homelands
Women's Rights and Suffrage

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Civil Rights Stories: Human Rights
