
Zack Files #11: How to Speak to Dolphins in Three Easy Lessons

Zack Files #11: How to Speak to Dolphins in Three Easy Lessons


作者:Dan Greenburg
出版社:Grosset & Dunlap
系列名稱:Zack Files


When Zack is given the chance to swim with dolphins on a trip to Florida, he dives right in. But before long, Zack is surprised to find that the dolphins are trying to tell him something ? and even more surprised that he can understand and talk to them! There's definitely something fishy going on here! Could it be genuine animal communication? And can Zack and his new friends get their signals straight and salvage an old sunken ship filled with treasure?

Who'd have thought mind reading could be such a pain? I mean, I expected to discover everyone's silly secrets. But someone is planning something very strange--and it's no joke!

●Zack Files系列在美國熱賣,全美超高人氣的兒童冒險小說,札克檔案銷售高達200萬冊!!也改編為影集!作者帶著開闊心胸、輕鬆態度的文筆,給小朋友不同的驚喜! 靠近他人時可聽到他/她心裡的聲音? 睡覺時發現自己有靈魂出竅的能力? 一隻會說話的貓說它是你的曾祖父? The Zack Files 系列一定可以讓你大該眼界哦!

●The Zack Files 共有30本, 每本都有一個可以帶給小朋友不同的驚奇。讓小朋友們用豐富的想像力和Zack一起遨遊在有趣的故事裡吧!


●Zack Files系列被天下雜誌《2007親子天下專刊》評選為適合孩子閱讀學習的系列書


Zack Files #11: How to Speak to Dolphins in Three Easy Lessons
