
Captain Underpants #1: The Adventures of Captain Underpants (全彩精裝版)

Captain Underpants #1: The Adventures of Captain Underpants (全彩精裝版)


作者:Dav Pilkey
出版社:Blue Sky
系列名稱:Captain Underpants


★ 劉怡伶《親子閱讀趣 悅讀真有趣》 推薦書單

George likes to write. Harold likes to draw. They figure all superheroes look like they're wearing underpants — and so a new comic–book superhero is born. And this one's got Wedgie Power! The boys are just as creative in real life too. At the big football game, they put pepper in the cheerleaders' pom–poms, helium in the football, and itching powder in the coach's muscle rub. And Mr. Krupp, the mean principal, films it all! Now the boys have to behave, or else. That is, until their hypnotizing ring arrives.

Then watch out, Principal Krupp!Series InformationWhen fourth graders George and Harold accidentally hypnotize their principal, Mr. Krupp, they turn him into Captain Underpants, the world's most underdressed superhero. All it takes is a snap of the fingers to let this caped crusader loose upon a world of talking toilets, lunchroom zombies, purple potty people, and more outrageous villains. Mr. Krupp has no idea what's happening — which makes it even funnier, since he can't stand George and Harold and would never do what they command. But he always manages to save the day anyway, with thrills and laughs to spare.

神秘現身 英勇除惡的校園英雄
孩子心中的超級無敵英雄內褲超人 Captain Underpants

★ 已被翻譯成十五國語言,全美銷售1,400多萬冊、全球銷量突破3,500萬冊!
★ 長鋸美國《紐約時報》、《出版人周刊》等全美各大暢銷排行榜!
★ 榮獲美國童書協會年度最佳童書獎、國際閱讀協會兒童選書獎!
★ 榮獲《出版人周刊》年度最佳圖書獎,被評為「年度最有趣、最好笑的書!」




讓我們跟著最酷也是最受歡迎的得獎漫畫,以及天才型作家戴夫.皮爾奇(Dav Pilkey)筆下的喬治和哈洛,和解救我們脫離邪惡勢力,保護善良民眾的內褲超人,一起化解可怕的災難,讓世界重新恢復和平和光明。
◆ 結合大篇幅插圖、漫畫及手動動畫
● 搗蛋鬼喬治和哈洛很愛在文字上惡作劇,常因為這樣而造成一發不可收拾的後果…
→ 讓人大笑又不由得佩服他們的調皮創意!


● 喜歡畫畫的哈洛和喜歡天馬行空想像的喬治在故事中聯手創作了他們的漫畫刊物
→ 兒童筆觸、童真想像,還有兒童偶爾會犯的…錯字毛病!

● 刺激的冒險動了起來!手動動畫設計巧思邊讀邊玩樂趣高!
→ Magic-Motion FLIP-O-RAMA Cards Inside!

◆ 不受阻撓的創作能量
作者 戴夫.皮爾奇 (Dav Pilkey)
戴夫.皮爾奇在小學的時候,就常常惡作劇、開玩笑,還會畫一些無厘頭的漫畫,頑皮搗蛋、老是惹麻煩,老師總是對他感到頭疼!在二年級的時候,戴夫創造了他最大名鼎鼎的角色───內褲超人(Captain Underpants)!卻被老師潑冷水,認為他的畫作無聊、不正經,但是讓老師跌破眼鏡的是,現在戴夫成了一名超受歡迎的暢銷作家!在美國被喻為天才型的得獎漫畫家及繪本作家。他創作了大量佳評如潮且獲獎無數的兒童讀物,包括1997年榮獲凱迪克大獎的《送報童》(The Paperboy)。這一切的成就,竟然是因為,戴夫是個調皮、不愛聽話的小孩。
◆ 每一個危機時刻,看主角們如何以智勇取勝!


Captain Underpants #1: The Adventures of Captain Underpants (全彩精裝版)
