
Ivy and Bean #7- 9

Ivy and Bean #7- 9


作者:Annie Barrows
系列名稱:Ivy and Bean



Ivy and Bean Boxed Set: Books 7-9 includes:
Book 7: Ivy + Bean: What’s the Big Idea? Wouldn’t it be cool if Ivy and Bean found the solution to global warming? Wouldn’t it be especially cool if the solution was shimmering pink goo in a test-tube and all the famous scientists in the world wished they had thought of it first? It’s Science Fair time at Emerson School, and all the kids are supposed to find a way to cool down the earth. Some kids are planting trees. Some kids are holding their breath for a very, very long time. Some kids are doing interesting things with vacuum cleaners. But what should Ivy and Bean do? Something with explosions? Something with ropes? Something with ice cubes? Or maybe something very, very quiet . . .

Book 8: Ivy + Bean: No News Is Good News: Ivy and Bean need some money. Ten dollars, to be exact. Never mind what for. Don’t even ask. Okay, it’s for cheese. Two bags of lowfat Belldeloon cheese in a special just-for-you serving size. Don’t ask why. But ten dollars is a lot of money. How are Bean and Ivy going to make ten dollars? Should they babysit? Eww, diapers. No. Should they wash the car? They’re not allowed to touch the car. No. Should they write a newspaper about their neighbors and sell it? Yes. Great idea—and easy too! All Ivy and Bean have to do is snoop around Pancake Court and gets some news. It’s very interesting what you can find out if you look in your neighbors’ windows. It’s even more interesting when the neighbors read about it in the newspaper.

Book 9: Ivy + Bean Make the Rules: It’s Spring Break, and Bean’s older sister, Nancy, is going to Girl Power 4-Ever Camp, where she will do Crafts and Dance and First Aid and other secret things that Bean will never know about because you have to be eleven to go to Girl Power 4-Ever Camp. Bean doesn’t care. She doesn’t want to go to camp. She wouldn’t go even if they begged her. So ha. So ha ha. So—wait a second! Bean and Ivy can make their own camp, their own better camp. It’s Camp Flaming Arrow, where Crafts include escaping, Dance includes thumbtacks, First Aid includes zombies, and counselors Ivy and Bean make the rules.

★ 美國圖書館協會《最佳童書獎》
★ 紐約公共圖書館《百大閱讀與分享書目》
★ 柯克斯書評《年度最佳兒童讀物》







Dory Fantasmagory
Junie B. Jones

Ivy and Bean #7- 9
