Ready-to-Read 2: Living in . . . Italy
Ready-to-Read 2: Living in . . . Italy
Are you one of the 15 million Americans with Italian heritage? Ever wonder what Italy is really like? Discover what it's like to be a kid growing up in Italy with this fascinating, nonfiction Level 2 Ready-to-Read, part of a new series all about kids just like you in countries around the world!
Ciao! My name is Pia, and I'm a kid just like you living in Italy. Italy is a country filled with ancient ruins, beautiful beaches, and delicious food! Have you ever wondered what living in Italy is like? Come along with me to find out!
Each book is narrated by a kid growing up in their home country and is filled with fresh, modern illustrations as well as loads of history, geography, and cultural goodies that fit perfectly into Common Core standards.
Join kids from all over the world on a globe-trotting adventure with the Living in... series--sure to be a hit with children, parents, educators, and librarians alike!
你好! 我叫皮亞,我和你一樣是一個小朋友,我住在意大利。 意大利充滿了古老的遺跡、美麗的海灘以及美味的食物!你有想過巴西的生活到底是怎麼樣嗎?跟我一起來探索吧!
《Ready to Read》兒童分級讀本,就是一套充滿各色主題的分級讀本,其中包含許多備受喜愛的角色,如小女孩和小貓咪 (Brownie & Pearl)、小豬奧莉薇 (Olivia)、小男孩與大狗 (Henry & Mudge) 等等;超人氣的動畫、卡通故事,如史奴比 (Peanuts)、功夫熊貓 (Kung Fu Panda)、食破天驚 (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs) 等等;受歡迎的艾瑞卡爾 (Eric Carle) 作品;還有介紹美國極富盛名的景點 Wonders of America 系列、認識各國特色的 Living in… 系列、自然科學題材…等等非常豐富的故事題材等著家長與孩子一起來翻閱《Ready to Read》。
閱讀《Ready to Read》,孩子們不用背誦單字、不須硬記文法,因為只要是孩子感興趣的故事,他們自然能在投入故事的過程中,不知不覺的學到許多詞彙,不用強迫他們,也能達到吸收英文、更親近英文的成效哦!