
Total Reading, Grade K (絕版售完為止)

Total Reading, Grade K (絕版售完為止)


作者:Carson Dellosa
出版社:Carson Dellosa
系列名稱:Total Reading 系列


Total Reading is the most comprehensive guide for reading available! This 352 page workbook, specifically designed for children in kindergarten, provides the help they need to succeed in all aspects of reading, including consonant and vowel sounds, sequencing, rhyming words, matching words and pictures, and opposites. Total Reading also features a complete answer key and easy-to-follow directions, as well as stickers, sequencing cards, and a poster for added learning and fun.

●這是一系列適合自學或是教學使用的書籍,從啟蒙到國小六年級,多元化的閱讀主題,搭配有趣的練習,如:母音子音複習、重組、韻文字彙、配合題、反義字等,有效提升閱讀與字彙能力,書中附解答。●This 352 page workbook, specifically designed for children in grade 1, gives them the help they need to succeed in all aspects of reading including consonant and vowel sounds, sequencing, rhyming words, matching words and pictures, and opposites. ●Including a complete answer key and easy-to-follow directions this workbook also features reading puzzles, stickers, and a poster for added learning.

Total Reading, Grade K (絕版售完為止)
