Listen, Read, & Learn Volume 2
Listen, Read, & Learn Volume 2
Promote independence and build confidence with Listen, Read, and Learn Volume 2. With a free MP3 file for each story, children can listen and read along anywhere, at their own pace. Learning activities follow each story to help children comprehend events and characters while they build new vocabulary. Nurture a love of reading with the Listen, Read, and Learn series. Filled with enchanting fairy tales and dazzling illustrations, this series allows students to use their imaginations while developing essential reading skills. By providing an audio and visual experience, Listen, Read, and Learn offers a unique learning opportunity that young learners love.
本書讓孩子學會獨立思考、建立信心。每則故事均附 MP3 音檔,孩子可依照自己的步調,隨時隨地自在地聽讀。故事後的學習活動幫助孩子理解故事內容和角色,同時學習新單字。本系列叢書可培養孩子對於閱讀的興趣。書內迷人的故事與華麗的插圖,讓孩子發揮想像力,增進閱讀技巧。本書透過視覺和聽覺,提供孩子喜愛且特別的學習方式。