
TinkerActive Workbooks: 2nd Grade Science

TinkerActive Workbooks: 2nd Grade Science


出版社:Odd Dot
系列名稱:TinkerActive Workbooks


Tinker, make, and engineer to learn through play! With TinkerActive Workbooks, learning leaps off the page and into the real world. Start with interactive and entertaining exercises that cover the essential second grade science and problem-solving skills. Then, apply what you've learned in exciting hands-on tinkering, making, and engineering activities that utilize only common household materials and encourage kids to learn through play. Plus, the charming cast of characters, the MotMots, guide kids through every new concept with cheer and humor. Once you've completed the workbook, unbox a collectible magnet badge hidden in the back cover!

Vetted by award-winning educators, TinkerActive Workbooks are designed for all learners. They build your child's fundamental science skills AND inspire them to try new things, discover new skills, and imagine new possibilities.

— 玩中學練習本 — TinkerActive Workbooks (數學/科學)

如果你想找找可以邊玩邊學的練習本, TinkerActive Workbooks 系列會是你非常優質而且不無聊的好選擇!! 以年級作分類、每冊十個主題、每個主題下再切成數個小練習以及活動操作,藉由玩的方式驗證科學以及數學的觀念,深深的覺得如果上課是用這類型的教材,哪有小孩會不愛上學!(認真)

TinkerActive Workbooks: 2nd Grade Science
