
Smart Start: Read and Write, Grade 1

Smart Start: Read and Write, Grade 1


作者:Evan Moor
系列名稱:Smart Start



Help your child become a reader and writer with Smart Start: Read and Write! Developed by teachers, the colorful activities provide the perfect combination of fun and practice to give your child the foundation needed for academic success.

The grade 1 Smart Start: Read and Write workbook helps your child identify word family spelling patterns, practice rhyming words, and read and write simple sentences.
-Accelerate your childs reading progress: 20 easy-to-follow weekly lessons help your child increase reading and vocabulary with word families.
-Creative and fun lessons: Keep your child entertained while learning.
-Reward stickers: Motivate your child to complete the activities.
-Audio stories: Provide an option to listen to the audio story with your child.

The activity book is organized into weekly lessons around word families such as an and at and ig and in. Activities focus on practicing two different word family patterns a week.

Every themed unit follows a similar format and includes:
-Alphabet stories: Introduce two word family patterns and include an audio read-aloud option.
-Spell It! activities: Focus on writing and vocabulary.
-Write It! activities: Provide practice reading and writing simple sentences.
-Read It! activities: Provide reading and reading comprehension practice.
-Find It! activities: Provide fun word searches around the word families of the week.
-Lets Review! activities: This simple review activity helps you evaluate your childs understanding of word families and provides additional practice.

Practice important first grade skills in Smart Start: Read and Write, such as:
-Writing and reading simple words and sentences
-Identifying word family patterns
-Reading comprehension
-Following directions
-Fine motor skills


- 加速孩子的閱讀進度:每週 20 節簡單易學的課程可幫助您的孩子通過單字詞族增加閱讀和詞彙量。
活動書依詞族(例如 an 和 at 以及 ig 和 in)組織成每週課程。活動重點是每週練習兩種不同的詞族模式。


Smart Start: Read and Write, Grade 1
