呼應新課綱 打造 21世紀英語素養課程
▌以探究式教學法(Inquiry-Based Approach)為編寫核心,全套共六冊,每冊18 個單元。每兩個單元以一個 Big Question 為主題,透過問題探索,引發學習動機,並以 Summative Project 做總結,培養獨立自主學習者。
▌課程設計符合21 世紀「4C 關鍵能力」、「跨領域」、「素養導向」與「議題融入課程」等教學趨勢。
▌閱讀文章包含 fiction/non-fiction,結合重點字彙,學習跨領域內容,並培養閱讀技巧。
▌高效字彙學習:以「word families」為教學策略,有效加深單字理解與學習成效。
For students
• Student Book + App
• Workbook + Online Practice
• Grammar Book
• Writing & Spelling Book
For teachers
• Teacher's Pack*
• Class CDs (3)**
• Grammar Audio CD
• Flashcards (L1~L3)
• Poster Pack
*內含教師手冊,隨書附兩組密碼卡(Teacher's Resource Center、Classroom Presentation Tool)。
Teacher's Pack |
Teacher's Resource Center |
Assessments |
單元/複習/期末/升級測驗、聽說讀寫能力測驗 |
Worksheets |
單字/文法/閱讀/Value學習單 |
Phonics |
Phonics學習單及教學指引 |
Teaching Notes |
學生課本/Grammar Book/Writing & SpellingBook教學指引及解答 |
Audio & Video |
學生課本/Grammar Book/Phonics/考題音檔、教師專業發展影片 |
Additional Resources |
Big Question Chart、Graphic Organizers、教案、單字表 |
Parent Resources |
家長指南、給家長的一封信 |
Teacher's Guide |
Lesson Plans |
教學目標總覽、教學指引、作業本解答、錄音稿 |
Classroom Presentation Tool |
eBook & eWorkbook |
互動遊戲、音檔、Big Question影片、文法動畫影片、Review故事動畫 |
*以上資源需以Teacher's Pack內的密碼卡登入下載。

★閱讀文章的黃標單字為Get Ready的重點單字
★教師資源包含多樣的Gr aphic Organizer訓練閱讀理解與邏輯思考力。
The 2nd edition of Oxford Discover builds on its tried and tested methodology, developing 21st Century Skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity to prepare students for future success at primary school and beyond.
Inquiry-based learning encourages student involvement, promotes collaboration and teamwork, and pushes student to think creatively. Students employ the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing as they identify questions about the world around them, gather information, and find answers.
Oxford Discover supports an inquiry-based approach to learning English. Each pair of units in Oxford Discover revolves around a thought-provoking 'Big Question'. A controlled vocabulary and grammar syllabus gives students the language support they need to explore and discuss each topic.
21st Century Skills are an integral part of the Oxford Discover course. In an age of rapid change and advances in communication and technology it is important that today’s young students continue to develop strong skills in the four main areas:
Critical thinking
Oxford Discover encourages students to think deeply and assess information comprehensively. Students are invited to be curious and to think beyond their normal perspectives.
Oxford Discover offers students plentiful opportunities to become effective listeners, speakers, readers, and writers. Every unit has two pages devoted comprehensively to communication, but these skills are also utilized in general tasks and exercises.
Oxford Discover offers opportunities for collaboration in every lesson, with students working together in pairs, small groups, or as an entire class.
Oxford Discover encourages creativity throughout each unit by allowing students the freedom to offer ideas and express themselves without judgment.
Tapered content in the first six units of Level 1 ensures a smooth progression between Kindergarten and Primary, making learning more manageable, and equipping every student with the confidence they need to succeed.
In addition, today’s young students must develop life and career skills, information, media, and technology skills, as well as an appreciation and concern for the health of our planet and cross-cultural understanding. Oxford Discover strives to help students build on these essential skills in order to succeed in the 21st century.