《Aladdin Classics: Robinson Crusoe 魯賓遜漂流記》深受世界讀者喜愛,至今仍是英王欽定的學生必讀書籍之一!適合國中~高中程度。讀者可組成學習小組,可加強閱讀深度,非常適合閱讀寫作的訓練。新進書籍:【銀冰鞋】(Hans Brinker, Or the Silver Skates)
書前皆有知名現代文學作者導讀;READING GROUP GUIDE單元針對故事背景探討,解析內容大意及人物分折,並提供問題討論、活動練習,延伸思考,可加強閱讀深度,非常適合閱讀寫作的訓練。
Aladdin Classics: Robinson Crusoe 魯賓遜漂流記,此書深受世界讀者喜愛,至今仍是英王欽定的學生必讀書籍之一!
享有「英國及歐洲小說之父」美譽著名作家丹尼爾.狄福(Daniel Defoe),曾任英國皇家的高級國策顧問,幾經人生波折,在約60歲時,根據蘇格蘭水手的經驗及回憶錄,寫成了《魯賓遜漂流記》,獲得空前迴響,為他贏得了世界性的名聲,可說是英國小說的開山始祖。狄福深受《聖經》影響,信仰的精神也表現在其書中。
Aladdin Classics: A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens is probably the best-known and, to many people, the greatest English novelist of the nineteenth century. Since its publication in 1843, A Christmas Carol has been adapted for film, television, and the stage, proving that Dickens's characters and themes continue to captivate generation after generation.
Aladdin Classics: Great Expectations
No other novel in the English language so epitomizes upward mobility, the rise from poverty to wealth, as Great Expectations. Often considered to be one of Dickens's best novels, it tells the story of young Pip who is mysteriously helped by two people: escaped convict Magwitch and the eccentric dowager Miss Havisham. Here is storytelling at its best, alive with bigger-than-life characters, plot twists that turn on a dime, and scenes that burst off the page with color.