Stepping Stones Classic: Peter Pan
Stepping Stones Classic: Peter Pan
Fly away with Peter Pan to the enchanted island of Neverland! This first chapter book adaptation of the classic novel, originally published in 1911, tells the story of the boy who never grows up. And when they join Peter on his magical island, Wendy and her brothers are in for exciting encounters with mermaids, an Indian princess, and pirates! Let the amazing adventures begin!
Stepping Stones Classic 經典文學帶孩子踏上英文歡閱旅途!
《Stepping Stones Classic》系列為專為兒童、青少年編寫設計的『簡易版文學名著』!集結廣泛的經典作品,用詞適中精簡,但依舊保有原著引人入勝的精彩故事情節。每個章節篇幅短,再加上非常搭配文學氣息的黑白藝術插圖,是兒童、青少年培養英語字彙、閱讀能力、以及增進文學涵養的精選課外讀物。讓兒童、青少年能從《Stepping Stones Classic》系列精選的奇幻、神秘、冒險、動人、熱情、懸疑、刺激…等等的故事中,養成一輩子閱讀的好習慣。