
How to Train Your Dragon #5: How to Twist a Dragon's Tale

How to Train Your Dragon #5: How to Twist a Dragon's Tale


作者:Cressida Cowell
出版社:Little, Brown


In the fifth adventure in the How to Train Your Dragon series, someone has stolen the Fire-Stone.

Now the volcano on Volcano Island has become active and the tremors are hatching the eggs of the Exterminator dragons!

Can Hiccup return the Fire-Stone to the Volcano, stop the Volcano from erupting, and save the Tribes from being wiped out by the terrible sword-claws of the Exterminators?

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was a truly extraordinary Viking Hero. Warrior chieftain, awesome sword-fighter and amateur naturalist, he was known throughout Vikingdom as 'the Dragon Whisperer', on account of his amazing power over these terrifying beasts.
But it wasn't always like that. In fact, in the beginning, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III was the most put upon Viking you'd ever seen. Not loud enough to make himself heard at dinner with his father, Stoick the Vast; not hard enough to beat his chief rival, Snotlout, at Bashyball, the number one school sport and CERTAINLY not stupid enough to go into a cave full of dragons to find a pet...

How to Train Your Dragon #5: How to Twist a Dragon's Tale
