
The Atlas Obscura Explorer's Guide for the World's Most Adventurous Kid

The Atlas Obscura Explorer's Guide for the World's Most Adventurous Kid


作者:Dylan Thuras


New York Times bestseller, now in paperback!
The Atlas Obscura Explorer’s Guide for the World’s Most Adventurous Kid is a thrilling expedition to 100 of the most surprising, mysterious, and weird-but-true places on earth. 
For curious kids, this is the chance to embark on the journey of a lifetime—and see how faraway countries have more in common than you might expect! Hopscotch from country to country in a chain of connecting attractions: Explore Mexico’s glittering cave of crystals, then visit the world’s largest cave in Vietnam. Peer over a 355-foot waterfall in Zambia, then learn how Antarctica’s Blood Falls got their mysterious color. Or see mysterious mummies in Japan and France, then majestic ice caves in both Argentina and Austria. 
As you climb mountains, zip-line over forests, and dive into oceans, this book is your passport to a world of hidden wonders, illuminated by gorgeous art.

The Atlas Obscura Explorer’s Guide for the World’s Most Adventurous Kid

「秘境探險家指南:給世上最愛冒險的孩子」,這本書的主題未免太有趣了!收錄了廣布於47個國家、100個超乎想像的獵奇景點,簡直就是一個大驚喜包,喜歡旅行和拓展世界觀的大人也會讀得津津有味。 繪者針對場景的特色以不同構圖和視角呈現出臨場感,縱然一個地點僅搭配一張插圖,延伸的想像補遺空間不遜色於真實圖片。每個秘境都在地球圖上標示出概略位置,並提供精確座標,編排方面也有依相關性進行排序,翻頁就是延伸與比較的思考機會。既然肉體無法身臨其境,就先讓精神來一趟紙上環遊吧!

The Atlas Obscura Explorer's Guide for the World's Most Adventurous Kid
