
A First Time for Everything

A First Time for Everything


作者:Dan Santat
出版社:First Second


National Book Award -Young People's Literature Winner

Dan's always been a good kid. The kind of kid who listens to his teachers, helps his mom with grocery shopping, and stays out of trouble. But being a good kid doesn't stop him from being bullied and feeling like he's invisible, which is why Dan has low expectations when his parents send him on a class trip to Europe.

At first, he's right. He's stuck with the same girls from his middle school who love to make fun of him, and he doesn't know why his teacher insisted he come on this trip. But as he travels through France, Germany, Switzerland, and England, a series of first experiences begin to change him—first Fanta, first fondue, first time stealing a bike from German punk rockers... and first love.

A First Time for Everything

Dan 是一名所謂的「乖孩子」,聽從長輩教誨、用功讀書,低調不惹事。即便試圖讓自己隱形,也無法完全避免被同儕欺負的可能,中學的最後兩年對單來說是黑暗的,那份壓抑甚至未曾與任何人傾吐過。升高中前的暑假有一趟前往歐洲的班級旅行,Dan 雖然沒有意願卻依然聽從父母的安排,搭上了人生首度出國的班機,旅程中他獲得了更多「第一次」的經歷,不僅僅是豐富了眼界、拓展了交遊,甚至釋放了過往的抑鬱,找回了自己。

A First Time for Everything
