
English Made Easy Early Writing Preschool Ages 3-5

English Made Easy Early Writing Preschool Ages 3-5


作者:Carol Vorderman
系列名稱:Made Easy


Help your child be top of the class with the best-selling home-study series from Carol Vorderman. Let Carol Vorderman help your child succeed in English. English Made Easy is one of Carol Vorderman's series of workbooks packed with notes and tips to make learning about English easy and fun!

Follow the exercises and activities with your child to strengthen their learning in school, then reward them with gold stars for their efforts. Each title contains a progress chart so your child can keep track of all the exercises they have completed and parents' notes explain what children need to know at each stage and what's being covered in the curriculum so you can support your child.

This book provides children with practice in how to construct and read simple words. Developed in consultation with leading educational experts to support curriculum learning, English Made Easy (previous ISBN 9781405363631) is a great way to improve your child's English skills - "the more you practice, the better you'll be!" (Carol Vorderman).

快使用來自 Carol Vorderman 最暢銷的自學系列書幫助你的孩子成為班上的菁英吧!讓本系列書籍幫助孩子成功學習英文。本書是 Carol Vorderman 系列的練習簿,充滿了註解和小訣竅,讓孩子學英文時更輕鬆有趣!


本書以練習題教導孩子建構並閱讀簡單的單字。本書經優秀的教育專家指導課程內容,是改善孩子英文能力的絕佳法寶!《English Made Easy》(原 ISBN 9781405363631)絕對會是您幫助孩子英文進步的最佳管道—「熟能生巧!」(Carol Vorderman)(凱洛・沃德曼)

 ※ 書封因新舊版本不同,請以實際收到商品為準。

▌此系列分為EnglishMathsScienceSpelling 和 Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar 等系列。級數依學生年齡再細分如:PreschoolKey Stage 1Key Stage 2



CEFR:  A1~B1

English Made Easy Early Writing Preschool Ages 3-5
