★ 李貞慧《當孩子的伯樂》推薦書單
Imagine if, on an ordinary day, war came. Imagine it turned your town to rubble. Imagine going on a long and difficult journey - all alone. Imagine finding no welcome at the end of it. Then imagine a child who gives you something small but very, very precious...
When the government refused to allow 3000 child refugees to enter this country in 2016, Nicola Davies was so angry she wrote a poem. It started a campaign for which artists contributed drawings of chairs, symbolising a seat in a classroom, education, kindness, the hope of a future. The poem has become this book, movingly illustrated by Rebecca Cobb, which should prove a powerful aid for explaining the ongoing refugee crisis to younger readers.
2016年春天,英國政府拒絕發出庇護權給3000個沒有家人陪伴、從各種難以想像的幽暗世界中逃離的兒童難民。同一時間,榮獲紐約時報最佳圖書獎肯定的英國繪本作家尼古拉‧戴維斯聽說有學校拒絕難民兒童,而理由是──沒有椅子,終於忍不住提筆寫下這個繪本故事,並將其詩作搭配一張空椅子的插畫發表於《衛報》(The Guardian);文章發表後,上百成千的人也在網路社群上分享各種空椅子的圖畫,都想為那些失去依靠、沒地方去也無法受教的孩子發聲。